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  • Writer's pictureLori Blatz

Slavic Creation Story

Updated: Jul 10, 2019

This is one example of a slavic creation story. It survived religious history through folk tales.

In the beginning there was nothing other than heaven and ocean, Perun in his boat, and Veles emerging from the sea foam. He sat next to the Perun. It was Veles who suggested to Perun the idea of creating the world, as he couldn’t accomplish it himself. Veles dived in and came back with a handful of sand taken from the bottom. Perun scattered it on water and created the beginnings of the Earth, which however was so small that they both hardly fit. Perun and Veles inhabited the Earth, when Veles decided he would push the sleeping Perun off into the water. But all he did was to make the Earth grow from Perun’s side, from the East, and from his side from the West. The two creators started an argument which ended with Perun withdrawing to the sky, and Veles being precipitated into the abyss by Perun’s thunderbolts.

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